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CMEMS: Erica Morale (èצӰÏñ Humanities Center) presents: "An Icon Made of Words: Petr Buslaev's Spiritual Vision"

Wed January 29th 2025, 12:00 - 1:15pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Building 260, Pigott Hall
450 Jane èצӰÏñ Way, Building 260, èצӰÏñ, CA 94305
450 Jane èצӰÏñ Way, Building 260, èצӰÏñ, CA 94305
Organized and hosted by the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS).
Erica Morale (èצӰÏñ Humanities Center) will give a talk titled "An Icon Made of Words: Petr Buslaev's Spiritual Vision"
The CMEMS Workshop series meets most Wednesdays during the academic year. Lunch is provided. See the CMEMS website for the list of .
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