Benvenuti a èצӰÏñ!
Italian is the language of Dante, Verdi, and Fellini, the language of poetry, opera, and cinema. Spoken by over sixty million people worldwide, from Italy to Switzerland, South America and East Africa, Italian represents a key linguistic medium for international business, culture and fashion.
By studying Italian at èצӰÏñ you can fulfill the University language requirement, study abroad in Florence, enhance your personal knowledge of our fascinating culture, or pursue an academic major or minor in an uniquely valuable literature.
The Italian language program combines language courses with general culture sessions intended to place a vibrant emphasis on various aspects of the rich Italian historical and cultural heritage. The rigorous yet lively curriculum is carried out by experienced instructors, many Italian born and educated. Along with the introductory courses Italian 1, 2, and 3, they offer a variety of other courses aiming at a full and enjoyable documentation of past and contemporary Italian life.